Tell me why I do like Mondays.......

Mondays used to be a bummer. You have just had the weekend. You have been chilling out, or at least you haven't been to work (if you are lucky). Your back at work and the next weekend is far far away....
Well not any more for me. I now work Tuesday to Friday and my son Zach  (8 months old) and I spend all of Monday together while Mummy is at work. And we have a blast.
What used to be our dining room is now his play room in a Super Mario stylee which I painted myself. So we kick it in there and have fun.

It also gives me the chance to try and influence what he likes..... We watch Star Wars (of course) and he is glued to the TV. It must be all the flashing and noises which he likes but he doesn't take his eyes off it. Today we watched He-man. When he was a small baby I used to play the He-man intro on YouTube to him to stop him crying. I also used to play Thundercats intro too. And he recognises these things because when they come in he grins ear to ear.
I have a daughter too who is nearly 15 years old called Elizabeth. She lives with her mother. She comes here regularly and she is great with Zach. I was worried about how would she take the news that she was going to have a baby brother but so far it's working out great. She really loves him.
Zach has woken up....I'm off to play.


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