First post. What shall we talk about?

Good Morning everyone!

My name is Adam and Im a bit of a geek. Well...... Im a huge geek. I was born in 1980 which, I think, was a fantastic time to be born. That window between 1977 and 1983 is the sweet spot for a generation that today, is being hit with several nostalgia trips. And we are now passing that on to our kids, whether they are interested or not!

And that is the biggest draw for me, the nostalgia that certain things invoke within me. Star Wars for instance. I love it. As a child I was captivated by the space and hero theme. I idolised Luke Skywalker and booed Darth Vader and in many ways it has influenced the rest of my life.

As kids we didn't have the cash to go and buy toys or memorabilia that we coveted so much. We couldn't just go to conventions or whatever. As adults we do. And does my wife know it! So I like to buy certain things that I think are cool or will remind me of childhood. I like to go to comic cons or celebrations. I have done and seen some cool things and I thought a blog would be a good way of sharing those experiences, and spur me on to do more.

So thats why I started this blog. To share what I have seen and done so far and also share new experiences. Im not a professional blogger. Im just an ordinary 37 year old that works full time with a wife and two kids. I want to see where blogging takes me. So give me a follow and hopefully you will enjoy what I have to share.



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