Sonic 2sday was the height of Sonic Mania

Sonic 2

It was Novemeber 24th 1992. I can remember it like it was yesterday.

When I was 11 Sonic The Hedgehog was huge. And I mean huge. Prior to Sonic, Segas mascot was Alex Kidd. I absolutely loved Alex Kidd and I actually thought Miracle World was a better game than Sonic. But Alex Kidd didnt really take off. Sonic however, wow. Sonic took off big style.

I didnt have a Mega Drive at that time. I had a Master System which is one of the best consoles I have ever owned. I had Sonic The Hedgehog for it and it was brilliant. Then I saw it on a pals Mega Drive and it was like night and day. Chalk and cheese. Visually it was so much better than on my Master System. I used to go to pals houses to play it in all its gorgeous glory., Tuesday 15th August, the latest in a long long line of Sonic titles is being released. Sonic Mania has been quite hotly anticipated. Its a return to the glory days. A return to its roots of side scrolling platforming greatness. Theres no doubt the Sonic brand has been on the wain for the past few years. Some truly terrible titles released with the odd half decent one in amongst them.

But it was back in 1992 that I think was the peak of Sonic mania. November 24th 1992 to be precise. Sega had been giving it the big build up for months. Finally. A sequel to Sonic The Hedgehog!! It was actually quite clever and is the reason why video games are released on a Tuesday now. You see, 24th November 1992 was a Tuesday. And was being marketed as Sonic 2sday. Get it?
I can remember it like it was yesterday. I had been on about it for weeks. I couldnt not have this game in my live. All my pals were getting it. The day arrived, Sonic 2sday was finally here. My Mam took me to Woolworths. It was so exciting. Taking the game to the counter with a cock sure spring in my step. Sonic 2 goodness was within sight. Before long I would be sitting cross legged infront of my TV in my room playing it! We got to the counter and paid for it. My Mam took the game, where it had now been placed into a bag, and put it into her hand bag.....

"You can have it for Christmas....."

The 6 words I did not want to hear that day! Arrggghhhh!!!!! Noooooooo!

But sure enough, I was made to wait till Christmas because thats how things worked then. You got things at Christmas or Birthdays.

But Sonic 2 was such a great game. It of course introduced us to Sonics plucky sidekick Tails and all our pre teenage minds were blown.

Great times. I think I might have to give Sonic Mania a look on my Xbox One. But nothing will top the Winter of 92 for shear Sonic hype.



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