Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull is not the worst Indy movie - Spielberg

It was 2008. I remember it well. My wife wanted to go see Sex And The City. I wanted to go see Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull. Sex And The City was sold out. Indiana Jones wasnt. I should have known then....

I love Indiana Jones. Raiders is an absolute classic. It is so exciting and really appealed to me as a child. Harrison Ford was untouchable. He couldnt get any cooler. He was Han Solo and Indiana Jones. I mean come on.....

I really enjoyed Temple Of Doom. Yeah it was different but it had Data from The Goonies in it!

Last Crusade was also very enjoyable and I thought Sean Connery was great.

Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull stinks. It is so bad. Watching an old fella running about with a whip wasnt as enjoyable.... This movie is universally recognised as the worst of the four. But Steven Spielberg doesnt agree with us....

Back in 1989 he said "I wasnt happy with the second movie at all. It was too dark, to subterranean, and much too horrific. I thought it out poltered Poltergeist. Theres not an ounce of my own personal feeling in Temple Of Doom".

And it seems that his stance hasnt softened in the intervening years. Susan Lacy, a documentarian, spent 30 hours interviewing Spielberg for a new HBO documentary simply titled Spielberg, and she confirms he still maintains Temple Of Doom is the worst.

I love Spielberg, he is one of the most iconic directors ever. Hes probably my favourite. But I think hes wrong. It makes me think has he actually seen the fourth Indy movie and how Indy survived a nuclear explosion by hiding in a fridge...

It remains to be seen how the confirmed 5th movie will turn out. Indiana Jones is knocking on now and dare I say past it...?

Maybe he belongs in a museum....



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