Big Trouble in Little China

This is the first, but definitely not the last, post about Big Trouble In Little China.....

I loved this film as a child, even though I don't think it did that well in the box office back in 1986. Nowadays its a "cult classic" and appears to be more popular than it was back then. But to me it was always a classic.

Kurt Russell is hilarious in it and every kid at my school wanted to be him. he wasn't the hero in the popular sense of the word. He was more like the reluctant, slightly clueless bystander that was in the wrong place at the wrong time and Mr Russell nailed it. The martial arts in it were a big selling point too. Over the top and outrageous. Compelling characters like Rain, Thunder and Lightning. Lo Pan. Wang Chee. Egg Chen. Gracie Law. Brilliant.

Anyway the purpose of this post was to talk about how recently my wife and I were in San Francisco. We live in Scotland. And I just had to visit San Francisco Chinatown to see if I could spot any of the filming locations. Now I know that most of it was filmed in a studio but I knew that some scenes were shot in Chinatown so I convinced my wife to come with me and investigate. So with the help of Google I was successful and I managed to put together a short video.

Have a look and let me know what you think.



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